Precision Grinding

Manufacturing new and rebuilding worn parts is our business.

Utilizing cranes up to 30 tonne capacity in our 26,000 square foot (2400m²) facility, we are fully equipped to finish your parts to very exacting tolerances.

Over the past 45 years, Precision Rolls has developed the expertise that allows us to successfully finish parts to tolerances measured in ten thousands of an inch (.0001″). Equipment alone doesn’t guarantee success; the skills of our craftsmen always make the difference.

Highly skilled precision grinding has rescued many production equipment parts – bringing back to life parts at a cost, often representing less than 60 percent of the cost of a new part.

Other Equipment

With a full machine shop at your service, we offer an excellent turnaround on lathe and boring mill work, as well as specialized internal grinding and honing services.

Surface Finishes

Our finishing capabilities include thermal sprayed coatings, blasted surfaces to 600 Ra, hard chrome plating, Krodon coatings (#1 to #5), polishing and superfinishing to less than 1 Ra.

For further information on grinding and machining capabilities, with or without plating or thermal coatings, please contact us.